Tuesday, March 1, 2011


See his email.

This will make the fifth email that Passion4Life has sent to me in three days. It will also be the last because I've now blocked all correspondence from him. 

Seriously -- what is he thinking by sending this email? I'm pretty sure he borrowed the idea from a movie that involved either a murder or an abduction. If you're gonna go out with this guy, you might as well stop and file a restraining order on the way to the restaurant.


  1. Oh, how I can relate. When I was still on POF, I decided to change my screen name to better reflect my personality/occupation. Lo and behold, I get an email from some dirtball who had written me months previously. I had rejected him because: in his photos, he clearly appeared to be an Angry White Male (who desperately needed to get laid), and his narrative was very, very negative, and , well.....angry.

    He proceeded to tell me that he knew I was the same person who had rejected him previously, that I was scum, that I was waiting for some doctor to leave his wife for me, and that he had had a GPA of 3.7, and what was *my* GPA?!
    He closed by saying that he REALLY didn't care, it was no big deal. Yet, dude, you resurface SIX months later?!
    I deleted my account that day. I'd had enough. When POF founder Markus wanted to know the reason for my departure, I checked, most emphatically, "Too many jerks."

  2. What an odd photo to use? How are you to know which one he is, Chubby on the left, or Stubby on the right? Capt. Sunglasses or his buddy Jimmy Leg?

    Good luck!
