Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lie to me, demoralize me, then bind me in leather.

First of all, if you are 46, then I am barely legal.

Second, men who specify what kind of woman they are seeking by listing an age range that doesn't include their own make me want to vomit. CharlestonMan's age isn't even within half a decade of his preferred paramour. As if his ass can afford to be picky. I'm sure 30-year-olds everywhere are just falling all over themselves to get this guy's attention.

Third, you decide to display three photos to express who you really are…and you pick the one of you posing with your muzzled and clearly spirit-broken dog? Is this some creepy attempt at subliminally conveying that you are into S&M or are you just a complete jackass who forces into submission the one little soul on this planet who actually likes you?

I think we are done here.


  1. OMG girly you are hysterical! I cancelled my membership today because I was sick of getting emails from creepy old dudes who lie about their age. Like them telling me "I look much younger" is going to work with me. My last name isn't Keller you douche.

  2. Haha. I will be 50 next month, and, unlike these assclowns, I DO look good for my age. I am so done with the ugly old men, Bible-thumpers, Angry White Conservatards, rednecks, and on, and on......
    I am so done with online. Yes, you hear the occasional success story, but I have been on waaay too many bad dates to believe it will happen for me.
    Unless God plops a good man in my path, like He seems to have done for so many other women, it ain't gonna happen.
    I'm getting to the point where I cannot stand men, and I always fought against that.

  3. the dog doesnt even look like hes having fun...that is a clue in itself

  4. @Anonymous #1 with the Keller comment -- if you are going to be that funny, then you are going to have to put your name on here and give yourself credit the next time you leave a blurb. I laughed my ass off when I read that.

    @Margaret H. -- "Conservatards" ... ridiculous! Adding that one to my vocab!

    @Anonymous #2 -- for real, that dog's face breaks my heart!

  5. Yup, this is my biggest beef with online dating. The online world is a place where aging men get to try to live out their fantasies of scoring with a much younger woman. Also, the last man I dated (who I met in "real" life) lied about his age by six years (he is 51 in "real life" but was 45 online) and was advertising for women "33-45". Yeah, he's good looking so he'll get away with it. Unbelievable.

    By the way, there is a very good chance that this guy really was 46 but the fact that he will not date a woman over 40 just makes my blood boil. This kind of attitude is absolutely rampant on Are there women in their 30's who will actually date these older age-ist men? Are things THAT bad that women in their 30's will actually go out with these guys? When I was in my 30's I wanted to date men within 5 years of my age, and anyone more than that seemed too old. Yet it seems a lot of the men near my age (49) do end up with women 10+ years younger. So the future does not look bright for me as I just not attracted to too many 60+ year old men. Oh well, no one said life was fair.

  6. "Anonymous said...

    the dog doesnt even look like hes having fun...that is a clue in itself"

    HYSTERICAL! Thank you for brightening my morning. I'm still giggling...
