...And not the good kind either.
So you have to check out the email exchange below between me and quite possibly the angriest guy on Match.com. This dickhead (otherwise known as Bside180) "winked" at me several days ago. For those of you who aren't familiar with online dating lingo, winking is a way for (typically gutless) dudes to show a woman that they are interested; I posted about it earlier this week: Winker Post. Personally, I don't have time to respond to guys who don't bother taking the time to email me in the first place, so I ignored it. And in any event, if a guy is really interested, he’ll usually follow up with an email because I suspect most women don’t respond to winks.
Then, two days later, I check my email and find this:
At this point, I'm slightly confused. Surely this guy isn't taking a jab at me, right? And so I reply with a simple, "Huh?" A few hours later, I then receive this gratuitously malevolent diatribe from him. Read for yourself. The venom that he spews at me is appalling…
As you can imagine, I'm sitting there simply stunned, not knowing whether to cry or throw something. Had this asswipe been standing in front of me, I can assure you that it'd have been the latter.
Now, let me digress for a second – if you’ve been reading my blog, then you probably know that I’m bitingly sarcastic and can be honest to a brutal degree. I am, however, a good person, and quite frankly, Bside180’s admonishment hurt my feelings. I’m no Mother Teresa but I do volunteer at the animal shelter, I’m the go-to shoulder-lender for friends in need, I smile at strangers, I always recycle, and I’m the idiot who pulled over on a local highway last week to move a turtle out of the road. And precisely because online dating profiles are so universally “self-promoting,” this go-round, I decided to take a different approach and lead mine off with the following:
Let's get this out of the way first...
I’m a cynic & yet a closet optimist. I love Taco Bell. I’m a total smart ass. I know the words to way too many rap songs. I like cheap beer. I say random things when I’m nervous. I eat cake frosting out of the container. I've seen every season of The Bachelor. I’m a patrolling officer of the Grammar Police. I'm clumsy. I sleepwalk. I floss excessively. I’m a recovering nail-biter. I’ve never seen Star Wars. I complain too much. I can't park a car. I yell at the TV during political shows. I can play Death Is Not an Option for hours. I crack jokes in tense situations. I cry every time I see the Sarah McLachlan pet commercial. I’m kind of a techie. I use too many sports metaphors. I collect power tools. I hate tomatoes. I use the word hate too much. And my last 3 car accidents occurred in my driveway.
I did, of course, follow this up with a flowery narrative describing myself – but I can assure you that it was no more boastful than anyone else’s on this site – and I’d like to think that any semblance of conceit was subdued by the divulgence above. Admittedly, some of those “flaws” are included more for comic relief than as some shameful confession, but I’ve no doubt that more than a few men have read that and thought to themselves “Wow, a whiny, graceless goof with really bad taste…thanks but I think I’ll pass.” In which case, fine. It’s not like I’m getting past the third date without tripping over something in front of him anyway (no lie, I actually fell down the stairs at Mark3’s house last week – while holding drink – priceless).
Now, getting back to Bside180’s tirade, my little digression here was to illustrate how far out of left field his dressing-down of me seemed. And beyond that, even if my profile really was “shamelessly arrogant and self-promoting” – why in the hell would some stranger take precious time out of his day to write something like this? So…I responded:

And then I blocked him.
What a complete cocksucker.
Awww, but look, he's Rob Lowe's doucey-look-a-like, girls usually throw themselves at him. He's used to "just being honest" while they try to win him approval.
ReplyDeleteHe likes reading & cooking, that's like sooo deep & thoughtful. He's not like "those guys" that just think about sex & sports. He's sensitive & new age & "telling it like it is."
Wow....he was SO put off that you didn't respond to his wink!! Like my refrigerator magnet says...."So many men, so many reasons to sleep alone." And yet, I'm still hopeful!! You are an amazing person that I would love to someday meet..love your attitude girl!!
ReplyDeleteThank ya very much for the support! Just for kicks and giggles, I was going to go back and screen-grab his entire profile and post it to show his page-long equivalent to all he's accusing me of...but alas, his profile is no longer available. I suppose it's too much to hope for that perhaps he canceled his membership and put that money towards something he needs a little more: therapy.
ReplyDeleteIf there was EVER a time I wished that one of these jackasses that I blog about could see his bullshit posted on here for the world to see, this is it.
My sister just got me reading your blog, and it's fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWhy do some men think that an insult is the way to woo a woman? I recently got a message to my online profile telling me that he had been about to email me and tell me I had spelled a word incorrectly in my user name...but then looked the word up and found that I had been right. So what? If I had been wrong he thought the best way to get me interested in him romantically was to tell me "you're wrong"?
SIGH. The dating gene pool could use some bleach. At least I now know I'm not alone.
Don't feel bad, Savannah. I deleted my Plenty of Fish profile after a similar experience. I had ignored an email from a guy because I did look at his profile. He looked and expressed himself as very angry and hateful towards women. So I did not respond.
ReplyDeleteAbout 6 months later, I changed some of my photos and my screen name, and low and behold, Prince Charming spotted me and took it upon himself to write again.
This time, he was more than obnoxious. He proceeded to castigate me for rejecting him earlier, told me I was a piece of s*it, and obviously, I was waiting for some doctor to leave his wife for me ( I am in the medical profession) He then want on to say that he had had a 3.7 GPA in college; what was mine?!?!
Disclaimer: He really didn't care, but he had to let me know (six months later) what a bitch I am.
Honestly, I am going to be 50 years old next month. I do not need or deserve this kind of shit So, from that point on, I have sworn off online dating. Far too many jerks, or else "nice" guys that just don't do it for me.
Sorry you had to deal with this assclown, but it happens to all of us online.
Oh, and I tried to respond, like you did, to this miscreant, only to discover he had blocked me! Talk about ball-less.....
Oh.My.Goodness. How I long for the old days, before internet dating and texting, when men actually treated women like human beings. I also endured similar (but not quite as jarringly awful) treatment by complete strangers when I did not respond to their winks or stupid emails like "you're really hot". This guy is obviously intelligent but severely damaged in some fundamental way. He chooses to take his anger out on you for whatever f*cked up reason.
ReplyDeleteI love men and am still hopeful that there are decent men out there, in fact I know many of them (they are mostly married though, of course). Online dating culture is not healthy or conducive to fostering or nurturing real relationships. So many people think it gives them to the right to be abusive and mistreat people. Many men (like your lovely dude here) vent their anger at women who aren't interested or care to respond to winks. This is why I currently "look" but I don't "play". I rarely see anyone that interests me and the ones that do will not date a woman near their age (I am 49, almost the dreaded 50 when I might as well go live in the wilderness by myself).
At least I have my girlfriends, my nice married male friends, and stuff like your online blog to make me laugh. With the current state of male-female relationships, we all just have to laugh, try to have as much fun as possible and shake our heads at men who behave badly.
Okay, this one makes me mad. What an a-hole.
ReplyDeleteHi Savannah. I went out with this guy a few times, lol. He looks good on paper but something seemed off about him to me. I couldn't put my finger on it but your blog just did.
ReplyDeleteRe this last comment from Anonymous: NO F-ING WAY! Was he polite when you guys went out, at least? He strikes me as one of those types of guys who will put on a brilliant front and let his badness slither out bit by bit. Would LOVE to hear more!
ReplyDeleteHi Savannah, you're spot on. I dated bside180 for awhile and unfortunately there is zero chance for any heightened level of awareness with this one. For people unlike himself he's toxic to be around. Thought it was great that you called him out.
ReplyDeleteYa know, Savannah, I think the internet is full of angry, frustrated men. I've been sent emails like this several times. Usually men accuse me of lying about my income (!!!) or "bragging" about the languages I speak. Like, WTF? Just because you've spent your entire adult life in some low level job and haven't used any of your free time to learn, go, do, explore or see anything, I'M the one with the problem?!?!
ReplyDeleteI think online dating attracts a LOT of freaky, unstable, peculiar, reject males. I pity all their ex wives and ex girlfriends.